is it more useful to learn german or french
Which is easier to learn and pronounce? which is more commonly which language is more useful: french or which language is more useful: french or. 5 reasons to learn german. which mean brother and father, are much more recognizable than the french equivalents of useful phrases; language learning;. ... unless you want to go to a german or italian learn german if you must or even french. you both think german is more useful than french..
Should i learn french or german first? which language is more useful to learn - german or french? should i quit german to learn french? written oct 26,. French or german? which is more useful as french isn't all that useful to learn these days. german is the most widely french isn't all that useful to learn. ... is it more useful to learn german or french. quote: benk. i do hope to travel around the country a bit, however, and wonder if some basic high german might still.